CED Scales

English versions of the Career & Development Scales (CEDS)
This site consists of four short scales which have been developed to determine the career development thinking of students across different age levels. Parent approval will be needed before students under 18 years of age can complete them and the data needs to be treated confidentially. The Scales are to be used for their intended purpose and not distributed or sold.

Please inform Dr Col McCowan OAM PhD (col.mccowan@gmail.com) of your intended use and provide the de-identified data back to him to help build up norms for the Scales

Vietnamese versions of the CEDS. Information about the scales is available from Ms Truc Le, Song An, Vietnam (see Contact page)

Details of the four scales

The relevant Scale will ask students to agree or disagree with a range of statements and will take less than 10 minutes to complete.

The four Scales are listed below

CEDS Primary (18 items) for students aged 10-11 in grades 5 & 6.

CEDS Junior (18 items) for students aged 12-14 in grades 7,8,9.

CEDS Senior (27 items) for students in aged 15-18 grades 10,11,12.

CEDS Tertiary (27 items) for all University students

These scales are derived from the successful Career Education & Development Model/ Framework (McCowan et al., 2022) which itself is based on highly reputable career theory and practice. The scales were subjected to rigorous scientific research which determined that they are valid and reliable measures. (See Background link to theory and practice)

Personnel in schools and universities can use the student results to provide encouragement and support to individual students, to determine the overall level of career thinking of their students, and to evaluate their career education & development programs and activities.

The Scales can be downloaded from here





The Scales can only be used for their intended purpose and not distributed or sold and you should inform Col McCowan (col.mccowan@gmail.com) of their intended use and feed back the de-identified data to him to help build norms.

Parental permission must be sought if you are working with students under 18 years of age and the data needs to be treated confidentially.