

The cromach, the symbol of this Company, is a long stick with a curved top used in the Scottish highlands by a person who is an expert at guiding people, who looks after stock and who is an organiser of highland games.

The cromatch depicted in the Website was made by Robert Cardno from Cairnbulg, Dundee, Scotland.

The cromach is often used in Scottish songs:

“A far croonin’ is pulling me away,

As take I wi’ my cromach to the road

Oh, the far Coolins are putting love on me,

As step I wi’ my cromach to the Isles.”

(The Road to the Isles)

Cromach Careers: counselling & consulting is a registered Company providing extensive career development services* and selected general services which range across:

  • Individuals including career and life coaching, advising and counselling which takes an outcomes-based approach and is steeped in career theories such as; decision theory, systems theory, constructionist theory and chaos theory. The focus of work is on building self-management skills and confidence
  • Resource development & research including developing frameworks and quality assurance measures and producing targeted resources
  • Organisations/Institutions including staff training and development programs and the reviewing, mapping, delivery, and benchmarking of services
  • State/national/international jurisdictions including project management and developing policy, strategy and human capital. A more recent example is the development of a career education and guidance program and service for the Ministry of Education and Training of Mongolia
  • Educator including presentations and workshops which focus on linking career theory, research and practice.

*Career development services are defined as services in different jurisdictions and delivery settings aimed to assist individuals of any age and at any point throughout their lives, to make educational, employment, training, and vocational decisions and to manage their careers (Miles Morgan, 2006). These services cannot be accomplished without working closely with parents, employers, educational institutions and governing authorities. At the national level, the services are closely linked to the development and deployment of human capital.