CED eScales

Career & Development (CED) eScales

We have developed a number of packages that will provide Schools and Universities with the opportunity to provide an on-line version of each Scale together with the capacity to deliver individual reports to students and accumulated reports to school or university personnel.

There will be a set up and reporting fee involved. However, until the end of 2024, this service will be free so that we can collect feedback on the reporting style and collect data to establish robust norms.

If these are of interest contact Dr Col McCowan OAM PhD: email- col.mccowan@gmail.com

The set-up/reporting fees which are likely to be required in 2025 will be:

Individuals: free – download the free print forms from the previous page

Small groups up to 30 (eg a class group): $30.00

Medium groups up to 300 (eg a Year level): $120.00

Large groups up to 3000 (eg a whole school): $600.00

Additional cost could be associated with any additional reporting required.